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Winter Hibernation


It has been a very mild winter this year in the UK. No snow, but plenty of wild storms and rain to keep me hidden away indoors by the fire. I have spent my time working on new ideas with the odd stroll along the beach.

I have been busy practicing a few new techniques and making prototypes of a willow backpack that I hope to have ready for sale by the end of March. It has taken me afew attempts to get a shape i'm happy with but i'm absolutely delighted with how they are turning out.

I decided that my prototypes would be made using Buff Willow- this is willow that has had the bark stripped off. It's the perfect type of willow for this time of year as it doesnt take long to soak and get flexible again (a real problem with barked willow during the winter when its icy cold outside!).

I've also been playing around with a splash of colour just to see how the final basket will look.

All the design needs now is some leather straps and then its good to go!

If you would like to know more about these backpacks, or would like to be kept up to date on when they come on sale, then please feel free to drop me a comment or an email at

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